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Roman Bellic:

  • The Cousins Bellic – Drive Roman to his apartment.
  • It’s Your Call – Drive Roman to a hardware store and get away from the Loan sharks.
  • Three’s a Crowd – Pick up Mallorie and Michelle from the subway station, drive them to Michelle’s place, and go buy new clothes.


  • First Date – Take Michelle bowling.

Roman Bellic:

  • Bleed Out – Save Roman from the loan sharks and kill Bledar, Kalem and Dardan.
  • Easy Fare – Drive Jermaine to the lockup and lose the cops.
  • Jamaican Heat – Pick up Little Jacob, watch over a meeting and kill the gang members.

Little Jacob:

  • Concrete Jungle – Drive Jacob to a drug deal and kill the dealers who set him up.

Vladimir Glebov:

  • Bull in a China Shop – Smash a shop window and retrieve Vlad’s money, then take it back to Vlad.
  • Hung Out to Dry – Chase the laundromat owner by a car and retrieve what he owes to Vlad.
  • Clean Getaway – Travel by a train to steal a car that belongs to Vlad.
  • Ivan The Not So Terrible – Chase Ivan Bytchkov, then kill or spare him.

Roman Bellic:

  • Uncle Vlad – Kill Vladimir Glebov.
  • Crime and Punishment – Meet Mikhail Faustin, steal a cop car, and then steal a van full of TV’s.

Mikhail Faustin:

  • Do You Have Protection? – Threaten Joseph Kaplan at a sex shop, reclaim the money and go to the gun store to receive a gun.
  • Final Destination – Kill Lenny Petrovic.
  • No Love Lost – Kill Jason Michaels and his biker friends.

Roman Bellic:

  • Logging On – Meet Brucie Kibbutz, then log in to the internet café computer.

Little Jacob:

  • Shadow – Follow or chase a dealer to his apartment, then kill him and his backup.

Mikhail Faustin:

  • Rigged to Blow – Steal a truck full of explosives, take it to Kenny Petrovic’s garage, then detonate the truck.

Dimitri Rascalov:

  • The Master and the Molotov – Kill Mikhail Faustin.
  • Russian Revolution – Escape Dimitri and Bulgarin’s ambush and lose the cops.

Roman Bellic:

  • Roman’s Sorrow – Witness the destruction of Roman’s apartment and garage business and move to Bohan.

Brucie Kibbutz:

  • Search and Delete – Find a cop car, access the computer database, then find and kill Lyle Rivas.
  • Easy as Can Be – Steal Lyle’s Oracle, escape from the gangsters protecting it, and drive it to Brucie’s lockup.
  • Out of the Closet – Use the Internet, set up a date with Tom Rivas, then kill him at the meeting.
  • No. 1 – Win a street race with a Comet.

Manny Escuela:

  • Escuela of the Streets – Follow the gang member to a warehouse, then kill him and his associates.
  • Street Sweeper – Kill the gang members at the garage.

Elizabeta Torres:

  • Luck of the Irish – Go to a rooftop and watch over Packie McReary’s meeting using a sniper rifle.
  • Blow Your Cover – Go to the drug deal, then escape the LCPD ambush with Playboy X.

Manny Escuela:

  • The Puerto Rican Connection – Follow the train, then kill the guys who get off.

Elizabeta Torres:

  • The Snow Storm – Steal back some coke from the abandoned hospital, lose the cops, and meet Little Jacob.
  • Have a Heart – Take the bodies of Manny Escuela and Jay Hamilton to The Doctor.

Patrick McReary:

  • Harboring a Grudge – Steal the truck from the Triads and drive it to Ray Boccino’s lockup.
  • Waste Not Want Knots – Steal the money from the Ancelotti Family.
  • Three Leaf Clover – Rob the Bank of Liberty and escape through the subway.

Gerald McReary:

  • Actions Speak Louder than Words – Kill Anthony Spoleto by attaching a Car Bomb to his car, then blowing it up at a meet.
  • I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle – Kill Frank Garone on a motorbike.

Mallorie Bardas:

  • Hostile Negotiation – Rescue Roman Bellic from the kidnappers.

Francis McReary:

  • Call and Collect – Kill the blackmailer and take the pictures to Francis.
  • Final Interview – Setup a job interview to meet Tom Goldberg, kill him and take his files back to Francis.
  • Holland Nights – Kill or spare Clarence Little.
  • Lure – Kill Clarence’s chief lieutenant.

Playboy X:

  • Deconstruction for Beginners – Meet Dwayne Forge, go to the construction site, and kill the union officials.
  • Photo Shoot – Use your new phone to take a picture of Marlon Bridges so he can be identified and killed.

Dwayne Forge:

  • Ruff Rider – Kill Jayvon Simson, and kill or spare Cherise Glover.
  • Undress to Kill – Take back The Triangle Club for Dwayne by killing the Trunchez Brothers.

Playboy X:

  • The Holland Play – Kill Playboy X or Dwayne Forge.

United Liberty Paper:

  • Wrong is Right – Go to Oleg Minkov’s apartment, then kill him at the meet.
  • Portrait of a Killer – Kill Adam Dimayev.
  • Dust Off – Follow the Helicopter and steal it when it lands.
  • Paper Trail – Use the Helicopter to kill Eduard Borodin.

Ray Boccino:

  • A Long Way to Fall – Kill Teddy Benavidez.
  • Taking in the Trash – Pick up Ray’s Diamonds left by his ally, alongside Luca Silvestri and his crew.
  • Meltdown – Kill Luca and his crew to retrieve the Diamonds, then take them back to Ray.
  • Museum Piece – Go to The Libertonian with Johnny Klebitz, then escape the ambush.
  • No Way on the Subway – Kill Jim Fitzgerald and his accomplice.
  • Weekend at Florian’s – Follow Talbot Daniels’ directions and encounter Florian Cravic with Roman Bellic.
  • Late Checkout – Kill Isaac Roth and his bodyguards.

Derrick McReary:

  • Smackdown – Kill Bucky Sligo and his crew.
  • Babysitting – Watch over Kim Young-Guk and destroy the boats attacking him.
  • Tunnel of Death – Park a truck in Booth Tunnel, steal a prison van, kidnap Aiden O’Malley and kill him.

Francis McReary:

  • Blood Brothers – Kill Francis McReary or Derrick McReary.

Patrick McReary:

  • Undertaker – Attend Francis/Derrick’s funeral and transport their body to their graveyard while fighting off the attackers.

Gerald McReary:

  • I’ll Take Her – Kidnap Gracie Ancelotti
  • …I’ll Take Her – Take a picture Gracie with your phone and send it to Packie.
  • She’s a Keeper – Transport Gracie to another safehouse and defend her from the Ancelotti Family.
  • Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend – Meet two associates of the Ancelotti Family so you can trade Gracie for the Diamonds alongside Packie, then escape Ray Bulgarin’s ambush.

Bernie Crane:

  • Hating the Haters – Kill the homophobic man stalking Bernie Crane.
  • Union Drive – Meet Bernie’s blackmailers sent by Dimitri Rascalov and kill them.
  • Buoys Ahoy – Chase and kill Dimitri’s goons.

Phil Bell:

  • Truck Hustle – Steal a truck holding the Heroin from the Algonquin Triads and take it to Frankie Gallo’s garage.

Jimmy Pegorino:

  • Pegorino’s Pride – Watch over the meeting of Jimmy and Pavano goons, kill the mobsters and protect Pegorino.
  • Payback – Follow and kill the Pavano goons.

Jon Gravelli:

  • Entourage – Escort Bobby Jefferson to City Hall, and fight off his ambushers.
  • Dining Out – Kill Kim Young-Guk.
  • Liquidize the Assets – Destroy the Russian coke vans.

Phil Bell:

  • Catch the Wave – Steal the Russian’s coke boats.
  • Trespass – Kill Charles Matteo at the Sprunk Factory.
  • To Live and Die in Alderney – Go to Frankie Gallo, then escape from the Feds with the Heroin.

Jimmy Pegorino:

  • Flatline – Kill Anthony Corrado at the hospital.
  • Pest Control – Kill Ray Boccino.

United Liberty Paper:

  • That Special Someone – Confront Darko Brevic, then kill or spare him.

Jimmy Pegorino:

  • One Last Thing – Pegorino explains that he needs you to partake in a Heroin deal that is his last chance to get on The Commission; but since the deal involves your betraying old rival Dimitri Rascalov, Niko is left unable to decide. Now the player must decide to either exact Revenge or strike a Deal with Rascalov.


Deal Ending:

Jimmy Pegorino:

  • If the Price is Right – After betraying you again, Dimitri leaves you to steal the money alongside Phil Bell.

Roman Bellic:

  • Mr and Mrs Bellic – Attend Roman and Mallorie’s wedding, and witness a horrible plot event there.

Little Jacob:

  • A Revenger’s Tragedy – Chase and kill Dimitri Rascalov (who kills one last person before dying).


Revenge Ending:

Niko Bellic:

  • A Dish Served Cold – Blast through the Platypus; the same ship that brought you to Liberty City; and kill Dimitri Rascalov.

Roman Bellic:

  • Mr and Mrs Bellic – Attend Roman and Mallorie’s wedding with Kate McReary and see a horrible plot event there.

Little Jacob:

  • Out of Commission – Chase and kill Jimmy Pegorino.